
Become a Patron of Lycoming Arts!

Individuals & Families

Student $26
(with current active Student ID) 

Adult or Artist $52
(your name on donor list, invitations to events, email newsletter)

Family $104
(your name on donor list, invitations to events, email newsletter, 10% off cost of a workshop, one free t-shirt)

Supporter $260
(your name on donor list, invitations to events, email newsletter, 10% off cost of a workshop, one free t-shirt, invitation to Patrons-only First Friday reception in April)

Corporations and Businesses

Business $520
(your name on donor list, invitations to events, email newsletter, 10% off cost of a workshop, one free t-shirt, invitation to Patrons-only First Friday reception in April, 20% off Masquerade Gala, and select Special Events)

Benefactor $1040
(your name on donor list, invitations to events, email newsletter, 10% off cost of a workshop, one free t-shirt, invitation to Patrons-only First Friday reception in April, 20% off Masquerade Gala, and select Special Events, opportunity to host an Artist Gallery opening*)

* based on availability

Prefer a Paper Application?

Membership Application 2023 B


Then fill out and send with a check made out to Lycoming Arts to:

Lycoming Arts

46 West 4th Street Williamsport, PA 17701
Call 570-844-0073
Questions? Email us at [email protected]

Got Questions?  TALK TO US